Tuesday, 30 October 2012

feeling empty

Saturday night I felt very content, Sunday was on and off, but these past two days ... I feel rather void and discouraged. I think I might just need some patience right now ... or maybe I need to become more observant to what may be the voice of God. I want to hear Him (when He is not being silent with me), and I want a relationship with Him, and to follow in the ways of Jesus ... but what does that look like? Is there a certain feeling that is associated? I feel very lost and confused. I don't know what's going on right now.


  1. Do you have any Bradley Hathaway with you? You should listen to "Silence." Also, read 1 Kings 19 (especially verse 10 and onward). Both contain some thoughts on silence and waiting for the voice of God.

    1. Hey Erika :) Yes I do, thanks so much for the suggestions. I am going to take the time to check both of those out
