Saturday 20 April 2013

Perfection and Progress

I was reminded that my time on Earth is not about reaching perfection, but instead, it is about making progress. Perfection will come once I see God face to face in Heaven (which is a thought that is far too brilliant for me to even imagine or explain). I'm not satisfied with happiness, since it is after all, just an emotion. Not to say that emotions are not important, but they do all die away eventually. That's part of what fascinates me about joy. It is something that goes further than emotion, even though it is often misinterpreted as pertaining to that category. I've experienced glimpses of joy in my life, but joy in its fullness is waiting for me. The promise that God makes to those who give their lives up to him is astounding. I take joy in the fact that I can get to know Christ on earth and eventually see God in his fullness. A person cannot be defined by their circumstances, appearance, interests or experiences, as these only remain on the surface level of existence. Every body contains a soul, which I believe is the only part of us that lasts forever. It is what guides our soul that defines who we are.

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